Thursday, May 6, 2010

Narratives and Archetypes / Star Wars a New Hope

The Star Wars character I chose to write about Luke Skywalker. I chose him because he is the hero of the whole saga, this means he has to be attractive as a character and George Lucas definitely achieves this for me. Luke represents a lot of things for me, as a kid he was my hero. Now for me he sort of represents the kid at school who could never do anything wrong, ironically at school I was never that kid.

As a character I think Luke is pretty stereotypical, I would liken him to Neo off The Matrix, the Night Owl off the Watchmen and possibly Indianna Jones. All these characters share one vital thing in common and that is that they are all solidly good at heart. Obviously they all go through their different journeys and conflicts but ultimately arrive at the same destination due to their one defining characteristic. Maybe Luke wouldn't seem so stereotypical in 1977. The whole film is based around Luke and his journey. The ideas and themes you can draw from the film are a product of this journey.

Another character that I thought id talk about although not my favourite is Anikin Skywalker. I like the second trilogy and Anikin because they don't have a happy ending. This is quite a contrast in comparison to the first 3 films. The main characters also contrast against one another but in a parallel kind of way. I feel this sort of ending and themes is not common for sci-fi films, but may have started a trend. Avatar has the same sort of evil undertone and ending, I enjoy it.

I really liked this lecture, and like the idea of the dream world that never ends. As a kid i always had sci-fi dreams some of them were quite scary haha. I think that is why I like Sci-fi films so much, because you can just watch and escape. An extreme case in this age would be Avatar, I herd of people becoming seriously depressed after seeing the film. Because of how beautiful and dreamlike the world is in that film.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Max, some good points here. But you really need to get into the habit of further research. For example, with Avatar, you say you heard of people getting depressed about how amazing the world was and it not being real - why not look up that phenomenon, find an article, and then quote from it? Then you can include the web address as part of further research at the bottom of the entry. That kind of thing gets you extra marks, so it's worth spending the couple of extra minutes, and is no longer "something I heard" but "something I read" - carries more weight.

