Thursday, September 30, 2010

Steve Rood

Hey Tessa, sorry I missed Steve's lecture, but here's an attempt at the blog anyway.

I thought I'd start this blog as a bit of a continuation from last week. One because I don't have too much to write about on Steve, and two because when I gave a little further thought to collaboration I was a little embarrassed at my laziness last week.

These two pieces are from the Cow Parade collection which has been touring around the world since 1999. The cows get auctioned off after each event and Cow Parade has made over 20 million dollars doing so. This money gets given to charitable organizations. These two cows are both done by New Zealand artists, and were displayed on Auckland streets. Buzzy Beef was done by Jill Jessup and Pohuticowa was done by Kathy Reid.

These are two pieces from the Vader Project. Like Cow Parade, this is a project that travels, contains multiple artists working on the same canvas, and the individual pieces get auctioned off at the end. The collection started in May 2007 at the Star Wars Celebration IV event in Los Angeles and has been to Europe, Japan and Pennsylvania.

I wonder if these two examples are really collaborations or not. In a sense they are because of the multiple artists working on the same canvas. However the artists are not working together, and are making individual pieces. Still not a hundred percent sure on collaboration vs collective.

As for Steve Rood, the Photographer. I read a few blogs of Steve's and I found them all quite cool. He seems to be really down to earth, and has quite a fresh approach to society and societal happenings. I'm not a very big fan of photography, and I find it quit hard to think of any photographer I like. Reading a friend's notes I saw a quote I quite liked (you'll probably read it several times) "Photography is just a blip in the landscape of visual technology". I liked it because I think its completely true, and I think sometimes photography is a little bit over rated sometimes. Here are the pieces of Rood's work that I do like, I found them on his blog.

One photographer I like is Gabriel Orozco. This is probly because he doesn't only do photography..and probably also because I like all of the other stuff he does (the link is the massive one at the end). I'm not sure you can make too many comparisons with Orozco to Steve, however there is a certain seriousness that comes through in both artists photos. This is quite nice in photography, as it is easy I think to be really humorous.,r:0,s:0

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Max, this was a good filler for a lecture you didn't attend!

    About the cow works and the vader works, they occupy a tricky terrain, because they are very much about popular culture and probably a lot of people involved in them wouldn't have necessarily been to art school. Which is not a bad thing, in fact I'm all for Joseph Beuys's idea that "everyone is an artist." But what I think is a new and unusual trend, is the fact that artists trained in institutions, very much up with their contemporary art theory and so on, are opting to make works together instead of solo. Those are some of the new groups I'd like to find out more about.

